

We found out this morning that Cooper will be joining us sometime between weeks 38-39 depending on how we are both doing, that is if he doesn't come on his own before that time. We hadn't been told anything like this up to this point, so we were a bit surprised. The full 40 week due date was October 15th, but week 38 starts on October 1 and week 39 starts on October 8th, so we hope he can make it until at least October 1.

I go back to the OB for another ultrasound on July 27th - to check his growth and get some new pictures and measurements. I'll be 28 weeks 4 days at the time of this ultrasound.
I will be going to the doctor every 2 weeks from now on until we start the weekly doc appointments and bi-weekly movement monitoring sessions! This baby/diabetic stuff is high maintenance, but I will do whatever I need to to keep Cooper healthy!!
In other news, had a great and busy weekend, visiting with family, seeing Grandpa for his birthday and Abby and the rest of the babies and prego girls for Abby's shower. Pictures of the shower are below.

Grandma, Mom, Me & Cooper
Casey & Layne, Sherry & Finn, Abby & Oliver, Erica & Evie, Emily & Cooper
Sherry & Finn
Casey & Layne
Casey & Layne, Sherry & Finn, Abby & Oliver, Erica & Evie, Emily & Cooper

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