I haven’t linked up with
Carissa for awhile, so I figured it was about time I did.
One. Cooper got glasses. Oh goodness, I think God must be trying to teach me patience, because making a 23 month old wear glasses is so very trying. He is constantly taking these glasses off of his face. So we are constantly putting them back on his face. Sometimes it’s easier than other times.

Two. HOT HOT HOT! Here it was, the first Saturday in September and it was 95+ degrees outside! We were not really excited about it, so you’ll see tomorrow what we did to occupy our time.
Three. Coupons! I love them! This weekend was TRIPLE coupon time at Marsh. I don’t normally shop at Marsh, but I couldn’t resist TRIPLE coupons! I saved more than I spent, I wish I could have saved even more, but I’m happy with my 54% savings. I’ll take it!
Four. Big Brother 13. I can’t get enough. So glad that Danielle is gone, but wish Jeff could come back, and having Shelly gone is a great thing after she evicted Jeff. Whoa, that was a long sentence, and I was thinking really fast, so I need to catch my breath. Anyway, love the show, I hope Adam or Jordan win. I just don’t care for the others but as long as Rachel doesn’t win I’m happy.

So. That’s my bit of random today. I hope you all have a wonderful Monday!! I’ll be back tomorrow with some of our weekend fun!
Happy Labor Day!