This weekend was the weekend of stopping pumping all together. It has gone pretty well so far. I pumped for a total of 8 minutes on Saturday and haven't pumped at all since Saturday night. I'm almost to 36 hours and I'm in some pain, but I'm surviving. I'm sure hoping to be feeling better in the next couple of days.
Saturday was busy, but nice. The kids and I got up early (as they usually do) and we let daddy sleep. I fed Katy then made Cooper waffles and we played together. I got laundry started and it was a fun morning. Cooper and I watched The Pioneer Woman when Katy went down for her morning nap. Tim woke up and came downstairs and I fell asleep on the couch for almost an hour! Then we all got ready, ran some errands, went to lunch and then visited a new baseball park that is open for the first season this year. It was a good afternoon. When we got home, since the weather was so nice, I took the kids outside, Cooper played with all of the neighborhood kiddos and Kate "played" with the other 3 babies around her age. All of us Moms had a "Working Wives of the Court" meeting, haha. Every one of us moms was out and chit chatting about things going on around our court, our lives, the kids, etc. Even though it is not my ideal living situation (living in a neighborhood), I am blessed to live on a court where both of my kids have other kids around their age to play with. Cooper has Alexis (4 months older), Julia (10 months older), Evan (14 months younger), and Mia (1 year older) to play with and Kate has Sarah (3 months older), Luca (1 month younger) and Joshua (3 months younger). Such a blessing!

Of course there was much basketball playing in the house as well. Cooper just cannot get enough basketball.
On Sunday morning, we missed church because I wasn't feeling quite up to it, and the kids were playing and having a lot of fun together. Tim let me sleep in and he took care of feeding and playing with the kiddos. Once I did get up, Tim and I paid the bills together (a rare occasion), did some more laundry, cleaned up some and played with the kids of course. Cooper decided he needed to dress up like a superhero.
When we finally looked up at the clock, we realized it was time to get moving, we had a birthday party to go to! It was my friend Jill's son Wyatt's first birthday celebration. Wyatt's brother Max, is one of Cooper's best and oldest friends. Wyatt is just a couple of months older that Kate and they go to the same babysitter at least for now, so I think they will probably be buddies too.
Kate really likes Wyatt's toys and Max...
We went grocery shopping and I had my first ever shamrock shake on the way home.
The kiddos played some more, then it was dinner time and bed time. That was about the extend of our weekend. Fun and BUSY! I'm looking forward to another weekend already. We'll be visiting my family next weekend for my Grandma's 80th birthday celebration! :)
Hope you're all wearing your GREEN today, Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!