So it seems as if my wish for a cleaning lady isn't going to happen. At least not yet. Tim tried. He really did. He wanted to give me a clean house for Christmas! He made some calls, and did some inquiring with some "local" companies about setting up routine cleaning appointments and wouldn't you know it..... No one that he's found actually cleans in our area. BUMMER! I was super excited at the thought of having someone come in twice a month to get to some of the things that seem to take us the most time, even if they aren't that difficult.
I still need to get these chores accomplished, and I want some things to get done weekly, and some bi-weekly. So, I whipped out my excel spreadsheet last night and came up with this....
This is what I'm calling a two week rotating chart of tasks. Tim and I will both get one job per day. Let's talk weekdays first. Monday - Thursday all tasks are the same.... They are short, sweet, and simple. No task should take more than 20 minutes on a regular basis. Sinks, toilets and floors are it the Monday - Thursday list. Fridays and Saturdays have the more time consuming tasks. And these are also the bi-weekly tasks, so we need to make sure to spend a little bit more time on these, since we aren't going to do them as often. Sundays - well, we'll just rotate who does this task.
There will still be the daily stuff that happens - kitchen/dishwasher/laundry etc. These we do not have a problem keeping up with anyway, it's just the chores above that seem to cause us all kinds of troubles.
Question time. Does your family have a "chore chart" or anything like this above? How do you make sure to keep your houses clean and tidy with kids? I know Holly stays up all hours of the night making sure her house is clean :-), but what do the rest of you do?

I would like to have a cleaning lady as well, but that's never going to happen. Maybe I need to just come up with something like this as well.
Emily Johnson making a cleaning chart?! WHO ARE YOU? LOL
I've been meaning to do this for months; I know it's not complicated, but could be oh so helpful! Keep us posted how it works out:-)
LOVE the chart! I'm all for a cleaning company though and I hope you get your wish. It's hard enough to keep up with dishes, laundry, and daily cleanups of the kitchen. Wish you the best- seems like a great plan!!!
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