Changing it up a little
Cleaning Routine.....

Katy is SEVEN months!
We took you to visit Santa, and you were a pro! That bearded guy didn't scare you a bit. You didn't smile, but I expected that.
to catch up or to continue to let it slip away??
This is the thought that I’ve been struggling with over the last few weeks. I’ve not really blogged anything in a month, and not really anything significant to my life in over two months. Yes, I blogged everyday in November, but those were “thankful” posts and so there haven’t been any life stories for over two months now.
On one hand, I miss blogging. I miss reading blogs more regularly that I’m doing now, I miss commenting on them and talking to all of you. On the other hand, my sleep has become very important to me, and since having Katy, I’ve been going to bed earlier than usual due to the fact that I’ve been up in the middle of the night. But now that Kate is sleeping through the night consistently, I am STILL going to bed early because I get up in the middle of the night to pump – usually in the 2AM hour.
This blog has never been about anyone else. It’s been my way of keeping a journal of our lives for ME. Selfish? Yes, but honestly, I’m not in the business of trying to obtain new followers, make money, etc. (NOT that there is anything wrong with either of these or any other reason for blogging for that matter) but my blog, has always just been a way for me to document and share with my family. I have met some amazing people, made some great friends, lost a few friends, and learned a lot about people along the way. I’ve had ups and downs, sure, but that’s really not been the focus. Perhaps that is why I have let the blog slide – and why I’m questioning even continuing on.
I sometimes just want to pull the plug on the blog, let the domain go without renewal. So I might have to change my focus or add to my focus to allow me to make this little part of my life a priority. I REALLY enjoy writing about what’s going on in my family’s lives, as well as documenting about my kiddos, but maybe that’s not enough. I think I need to take my blog in a new direction. One with purpose. Now if I can only figure out what the purpose is! I am definitely going to be saying a few prayers about this tonight and in the coming nights.
In the meantime, so many things have happened in our lives. I hope I can remember everything to write a post to catch up on some major items. The biggest in my life personally is that I started a new job. Since college, I’ve only ever had one real career, and I’d worked for my previous company for 9.5 years. It still feels strange thinking of it as my previous company. But I’ve finally moved on, and I’m really starting to love this new job. I haven’t gotten very far into it. Only about a week, but I’m liking the potential!
If you’re still reading, thanks you for keeping with me. If you have thoughts or ideas about where this blog should go in the future, please let me know. Have a great weekend and Happy New Year!