So this week has been more than eventful, some good and some scary!
Last Friday started it all; I had an ultrasound in addition to my normal non stress test, which tests for how many kicks and movements Cooper does in a certain period of time. The ultrasound went fine as far as I knew, until Tuesday, but we’ll get there in a little bit. The ultrasound technician wanted to make sure before I left that a doctor had reviewed the results, so she reviewed them with one of the doctors and I was able to leave and go to work. The rest of the story comes later.
I learned on Friday night that my cousin Erica had been induced and had her baby Evy! My grandma called to tell me, so 4 babies down, Cooper is all that is left!
Saturday was my family baby shower in Henryville at Grandma’s church. It was lovely! Most everyone attended, Stephanie and Erica rode down with me and we helped decorate as best we can, but I tell you, my mom was on top of it, she and my grandma and brother had about everything done when we arrived an hour early! My mom, she is an amazing lady, spoils me rotten even now. The shower was just great. I had a good time and I hope that everyone else did too. It was so great to see all of the babies, well, minus Evy who was still in the hospital of course! It was my first time to meet Mr. Oliver Matthew Ramsey (my cousin Abby’s baby) and boy was he cute. Finn and Layne were cute as usual; those boys have the funniest faces!! There are a couple of pictures from the shower below. Everyone was so generous at the shower; we got so many nice gifts to help us out with our little man! J Cooper is so fortunate to have such a wonderful family!!!
Sunday came and we were all pretty pooped and pretty much just took the day off. We didn’t leave the house, didn’t even make it to church. We are BAD!!! But it was nice to spend the day relaxing at home. I did laundry and washed all of Cooper’s stuff, getting it ready to put his room together the next day.
Monday was the day we put Cooper’s room together! There are a couple of pictures below, we’ve got everything in his room except for two small tables, both will hold one of the lamps that I repainted, one will also have the baby monitor on it. Other than those though, the room is all setup. I think it looks pretty great in there and I cannot wait to bring him home!!

Tuesday is when the drama starts….. I had my normal Tuesday morning NST (non stress test), and I was supposed to meet with a new different doctor that day as well. So, I arrived for the NST alone, as usually Tim doesn’t go with me to these because these visits are so routine and this way he doesn’t have to miss as much work. Well he was running late so he decided to stop by and meet the new doctor. When he arrived, I was still waiting in the waiting room and I was thrilled to see him. I have learned that going to the doctor the day after a holiday isn’t a great idea, lots of waiting!
Anyway, I had my NST, and Cooper was a busy busy man. He didn’t stop kicking and moving around in the 25+ minutes that we were in for the test. They couldn’t even get a baseline heart rate for the little guy…. Finally they decided that he wasn’t going to calm down and they let me get up and so we headed over to visit with the doctor. The doctor came in after a long wait and told us that I had low amniotic fluid. He seemed very concerned about this and said that there were many options for what we could do, but that he thought that Cooper would come earlier than 38 weeks. This was hard news to hear, I held off the crying until after we left the office, but I was very emotional and cried nearly the entire way to work. Tim decided to leave our expedition at the office and drive me to work because I wasn’t going to be fit enough to drive myself. We scheduled another ultrasound and doctor visit and did that on Wednesday.
Wednesday during our ultrasound, Praise God, there was an excellent amount of fluid. I had a different technician doing the ultrasound this time, and she seemed concerned that she wasn’t finding the same results as the other tech, but she seemed pleased that I had plenty of fluid. When we met with the doctor, he said he was thrilled with the results and didn’t think we had anything to worry about. We are scheduled for another ultrasound next week, just to make sure that everything is ok, but we are also being scheduled to enter the hospital on October 2nd for preparation for induction which should happen on Saturday morning October 3rd. Cooper should arrive sometime later that day!
Today was uneventful, thank goodness. It has been a busy week, and I’m so thankful that today was calm! I needed it. Tomorrow I go in for another NST, Saturday is my baby shower at Erica’s house for my Indianapolis friends. It should be fun!
3 weeks & 1 day before we go into the hospital!!!
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