Last weekend was fun! Erica threw me a baby shower at her house for all of my close friends, I had a great time and hope they all did too! I am such a lucky girl to have such great friends, I wish that everyone could have made it, but for those who did, THANK YOU! We received many goodies from folks at the shower; I’ve got some pictures below.
This week has been pretty good, not a ton going on more than usual. Tim and I met with a potential baby-sitter on Tuesday night, we liked her and we may go with her but hope to do a bit of shopping around before we make our final decision. Wednesday night we made a trip to Sam’s club to pick up a ton of diapers, wipes and a few other things that we needed.
Tonight we are going to a consignment sale at the Hamilton County Fairgrounds; it is called the Indy Kids Consignment Sale. We get to go tonight because we are expecting a baby and they gave us a pass, so exciting! I hope we find several things at good prices!
Andrew has had tennis matches on Tuesday and also one tonight, he won on Tuesday, but the team didn’t. I hope he wins tonight too! GOOD LUCK CHUCK! Stephanie has been pretty busy this week, she had a funny dream about Cooper growing up really fast last night; I hope he doesn’t grow up that fast!
I guess that’s it for this week, Steph’s 20th birthday is tomorrow so we’re all going out to Olive Garden to celebrate! HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEPHANIE!!!
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