It is now the 20th week. I am in San Francisco for a work training session. I arrived with a co-worker on the 26th and will be here until Saturday the 30th. I cannot wait to get home already!
I still cannot feel Cooper move around in my belly, the doctor said that this was normal because the placenta is anterior. This means that everytime he moves or kicks, the uterus is acting like a pillow cushioning his movements from me feeling them.
Next week is when we go to the doctor for the in depth ultrasound. We should be able to find out for sure if we have a little boy!
I only have 2 weeks left of my MBA, June 11th cannot come soon enough!!!!
We found out today that we're having a precious little boy!
Cooper James Johnson is due on October 15th, 2009. While we were in with the ultrasound technician, she had a difficult time getting our little one to cooperate with her. We stayed in there for a good deal of time, nearly a half an hour, just so that she could get a peek between baby's legs!
When she finally saw the boy parts, she said she wouldn't tell us with 100% accuracy that it was a boy, but she was pretty sure! She doesn't like to be guaranteeing anyone that they'll have either a boy or a girl when they are only about 19 weeks pregnant.
We found out that I still have the pocket of "fluid" inside the uterus, the doctor doesn't think that it is blood at this point. They are not worried about it affecting the baby, but if I wanted to go see a specialst I could. So, I've elected to do so. I have an appointment in 2 weeks, and then another appointment with the OB in 4 weeks.
We should be having a 3D ultrasound at the June 4th appointment! Yippie!
Cooper James Johnson is due on October 15th, 2009. While we were in with the ultrasound technician, she had a difficult time getting our little one to cooperate with her. We stayed in there for a good deal of time, nearly a half an hour, just so that she could get a peek between baby's legs!
When she finally saw the boy parts, she said she wouldn't tell us with 100% accuracy that it was a boy, but she was pretty sure! She doesn't like to be guaranteeing anyone that they'll have either a boy or a girl when they are only about 19 weeks pregnant.
We found out that I still have the pocket of "fluid" inside the uterus, the doctor doesn't think that it is blood at this point. They are not worried about it affecting the baby, but if I wanted to go see a specialst I could. So, I've elected to do so. I have an appointment in 2 weeks, and then another appointment with the OB in 4 weeks.
We should be having a 3D ultrasound at the June 4th appointment! Yippie!
Less than One Week!
Nothing much happening this week, I do not have much if any baby news. We are on the countdown to finding out baby's sex. We go in at 8am on May 19th for our ultrasound.

Tomorrow I will be 18 weeks pregnant. My belly is really starting to show. My shirts are pretty much all too small, and its the first time in my life my belly has stuck out further than my boobs. A weird feeling! I know I will get much much larger so I'm trying to be ok with this and realize its not fat, its just the baby.
Construction is still going on at the house, but we are making progress. Some walls have been painted and some trim is up, we've got more to go, but every little bit helps! Tim has done a great job with everything, I am so lucky to have such a handyman for a husband! I have put a couple of pictures of the finished floor, new paint and trim below if you'd like to take a peek. Once more is done, I'll take better pictures!
Andrew is busy almost every night with golf, playing Varsity on the high school team. For his first year on the team, he's doing a phenomenal job! Steph is finished with school for the summer and she's working a few days a week at the Mariott.
I started with my final month of classes for my MBA on Tuesday and my last day is June 11. I am travelling for work to a training May 26 - 30 and so I will get to miss a couple of classes, hopefully that'll make the time go much faster!

Well, the bleeding stopped by Friday the 24th, and I was relieved. None since then.
I went to the doctor last Wednesday for the follow-up ultrasound and doctor appointment to find out what was going on with the bleeding. The doc said that I still had a pocket of blood there, that was either a bit larger than before or about the same size, she couldn't be 100% sure because the ultrasound pics weren't all that clear. She said that the bleeding would probably resolve itself on its own and that I shouldn't be surprised if I see more bleeding, but if not, that was fine too.
Most important. Baby is doing fine! Pefect in fact! We were so thankful for that news.
I do not have any more doctor's appointments until we have our ultrasound appointment on May 19th to find out the baby's sex. The OB told me to go back to normal with my activity, but no running marathons, (like I would do that anyway?!?) I had my diabetes doctor appointment last Friday and she is happy with the way things are going with me, no adjustments to anything just yet. I assume soon enough the insulin doses will go up.
I finally gave in last Sunday the 26th and ordered some maternity clothes. It was about time considering none of my regular shirts are fitting these days. I haven't had any weight gain in a couple of months which is great, but my belly is sure growing. I ordered online with Walmart, Sears and JCPenney and got some pretty good clearance deals!
I went to the doctor last Wednesday for the follow-up ultrasound and doctor appointment to find out what was going on with the bleeding. The doc said that I still had a pocket of blood there, that was either a bit larger than before or about the same size, she couldn't be 100% sure because the ultrasound pics weren't all that clear. She said that the bleeding would probably resolve itself on its own and that I shouldn't be surprised if I see more bleeding, but if not, that was fine too.
Most important. Baby is doing fine! Pefect in fact! We were so thankful for that news.
I do not have any more doctor's appointments until we have our ultrasound appointment on May 19th to find out the baby's sex. The OB told me to go back to normal with my activity, but no running marathons, (like I would do that anyway?!?) I had my diabetes doctor appointment last Friday and she is happy with the way things are going with me, no adjustments to anything just yet. I assume soon enough the insulin doses will go up.
I finally gave in last Sunday the 26th and ordered some maternity clothes. It was about time considering none of my regular shirts are fitting these days. I haven't had any weight gain in a couple of months which is great, but my belly is sure growing. I ordered online with Walmart, Sears and JCPenney and got some pretty good clearance deals!